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Hoka isn’t a frequent collaborator, but the performance outdoor and running brand has found a likeminded counterpart in outdoor gear company Cotopaxi.
“Both approach the outdoors from a modern and disruptive lens through product and brand ethos. Both brands have a deep belief in doing good by inspiring consumers to stay active, adventure travel and explore nature. Additionally, we place high value on inclusivity, working on sustainability initiatives and driving the outdoors for all mindset. There were many shared values and this made it very easy to connect and collab,” Hoka VP of product Colin Ingram told FN.
After teaming up in 2021, the brands are back with another limited-edition collaboration, once again delivered in bold hues, and ready for outdoor exploration.
For the second collaboration, Cotopaxi gave Hoka’s versatile day hiker, the Anacapa Breeze Low, a new look. The boot features lightweight ventilated uppers that are paired with supportive Vibram Megagrip outsoles and Hoka’s extended Hubble heel for smooth heel-to-toe transition. Retail price is $165.
Also, the collection features the collaborative Cotopaxi Kapai 3L Hip Pack “Del Día,” which retails for $45. It is made with 100% repurposed materials.
“The goal of this collaboration is to inspire and empower consumers to get outside and explore the great outdoors. The bold color palette is signature to both brands, so it was an easy connection between the design teams to build fun and bright collaborating products,” Ingram said.
The second Hoka x Cotopaxi collaboration arrives today via, and
What’s more, both Hoka and Cotopaxi announced they will continue their collective support True Colors United, a nonprofit organization focused on homelessness among LGBTQ youth, youth of color and other highly impacted groups. Hoka and Cotopaxi have a combined commitment grant for the organization of $60,000 in 2023.
“Cotopaxi and Hoka are like-minded adventure brands that have an intrinsic goal to inspire everyone to find optimism and adventure in the outdoors. It is a natural fit for us to join forces and use their collective action to raise awareness and make a donation to TCU, with the goal of giving back and empowering the communities we work within,” Ingram said.
Their first collaboration was revealed in March 2021, an effort the brands said at the time was “born out of a shared passion for responsible manufacturing and the great outdoors.” The collab featured a reimagined version of the Hoka One One Torrent 2 trail shoe and a new take on the Cotopaxi Batac 16L Del Día backpack.
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