Nike .Swoosh Releases First Digital-Creation Collection for Iconic Air Force 1

Nike’s new platform for virtual creations .Swoosh will launch its first digital-creation collection, Our Force 1 (OF1), co-curated by the .Swoosh community. The launch represents Nike’s commitment to a culture of innovation and a tribute to the athletic giant’s 50-year history.

The Our Force 1 collection will be available in two digital “boxes,” the Classic Remix box and the New Wave box. Each box will be priced at $19.82 and contains a digital Our Force 1 version of the iconic Air Force 1. In the Classic Remix box, .Swoosh members will have the opportunity to pick up an archive Air Force 1 released between 1982 to 2006. As for the New Wave box members could unlock a classic archive from 2007 or later, or an expressive, custom Air Force 1 with a more futuristic twist.

Nike has built multiple entry points to purchase an OF1 box, and all .Swoosh members will have the chance to purchase an OF1 virtual creation. The Our Force One collection will feature designs co-created by the four winners of our first ever .Swoosh creator challenge.

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On April 18, Nike will begin airdropping Air Force 1 posters, which will unlock buying an Our Force 1 box on Swoosh.Nike to randomly selected .Swoosh members. On May 8, this group will be given first access to the Our Force 1 sale. General access will open on May 10 to the entire .Swoosh community to purchase an Our Force 1 virtual creation.

.Swoosh members will be notified about opening their Our Force 1 box to discover which Our Force 1 shoe it contains. Each virtual creation will come paired with a 3D file that the owner can download and use to express themselves. The new .Swoosh will introduce utilities and benefits to these unique Nike virtual creations, such as exclusive physical products or experiences.

“The OF1 collection shows how Nike will continue to innovate at the intersection of play and culture for the future of sports,” says Ron Faris, GM of Nike Virtual Studios. “We are exploring new ways to tell stories and create relationships while removing the barriers and limitations of physical product. With more members choosing to express themselves across physical and digital worlds, .Swoosh is the marketplace of the future.”

PHOTOS: Discover 50 Years of Nike Through TV, Film and Celebrities 

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