Top 5 Under Armour Ad Campaigns

Under Armour is breaking records with its impressive roster of major athletes and marketing stars. Adrienne Lofton, SVP of global brand marketing, takes FN through the company’s greatest successes and winning ads.

Rule Yourself — 2016
“We decided training needed to be revolutionized. We wanted to be cinematic for the first approach, but when we launched Rule Yourself, chapter two, we are telling athletes the how and why. Going deep from a content perspective is the win. We love the evolution from chapter one to two, to keep telling the story and go deeper so the athlete feels like they are part of the brand, and it’s not just us talking at them.”

Rule Yourself — 2015
“Overnight celebrity is possible today, and people are forgetting the work ethic required to be the best athlete in the world. They see Stephen Curry as MVP and world champion, and they think he showed up ready. We thought it was an interesting time to remind athletes that it’s what you do when no one watches and that 24/7 work ethic that is going to get you the success you desire in your career.”

Under Armour Campaigns Steph Curry
Rule Yourself campaign starring Stephen Curry.
CREDIT: Courtesy of brand.

I Will What I Want — 2014
“As we evolved from being a men’s football brand to being a women’s brand, we can’t show up the way the consumer expects us to. The insight into what makes Misty, Misty — feeling like an underdog and being told ‘no, no, no,’ the DNA of Misty couldn’t be more Under Armour. No one expected it from us, and frankly, it has been [our] most popular campaign. You have to be unafraid to change the conversation.”

Under Armour Campaigns Misty Copeland
I Will What I Want Campaign starring <a href="; id="auto-tag_misty-copeland" data-tag="misty-copeland" >Misty Copeland</a>.
CREDIT: Courtesy of brand.

Protect This House — 2003
“This came from the insight of football players — how they think, breathe and live [for the game]. What’s incredible about the campaign is that it became a mantra. If you walk into any stadium today, you will hear the crowd saying, ‘We must protect this house.’ When we see a campaign move into [popular] culture, then you know you’ve got a win and embodied an insight that mattered.”

Under Armour Protect This House Campaign
Protect This House campaign.
CREDIT: Courtesy of brand.

Future Girl — 2013
“This was a Kevin brainchild. It was interesting because it really wasn’t even meant to be consumer facing. We made that spot to speak to a digital and connected athlete, which is now our Connected Fitness division. We knew it was where the industry was headed, and we wanted to lead the conversation. It was meant to expand the minds of our internal constituents and bring forward-thinking product.”

Under Armour Future Girl Campaign
Future Girl campaign.
CREDIT: Courtesy of brand.

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