One sign of true sneakerheadism is owning a subscription to Sneaker Freaker’s quarterly publication; the bite-size magazine (in comparison to those huge ad-filled textbooks that are out nowadays) is filled with pages and pages of the hottest sneakers and features of the current times, and usually the cover is adorned by one of the latest and most topical sneakers. Case in point, the Jeremy Scott x adidas Snuggles Bear on the cover if Issue 19. The plush animal that has been in show-biz for decades is Jeremy Scott’s latest ‘prop’ for his eccentric line of avant-garde footwear, and in Sneaker Freaker Issue 19, you’ll get a good look at the shoe as well as other Jeremy Scott news. Also included in this issue is an interview with Ronnie Fieg of NYC, a look at the re-introduction of the adidas EQT, and other great sneaker topics for your freakers out there. Check out the Sneaker Freaker Issue 19 cover after the jump and pre-order your copy on Sneaker Freaker now.